Prodovite Science

Scientific Research


VMP35 MNC, a novel iron-free supplement, enhances cytoprotection against anemia in human subjects: a novel hypothesis.Corbier JR, Downs BW, Kushner S, Aloisio T, Bagchi D, Bagchi M.Food and Nutrition Research. 2019 May 9;63.


Background: The American Society of Hematology reported that according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) anemia is the most common blood disorder, which affects more than 3 million Americans, while the Global Burden of Disease 2016 (GBD 2016) reported that iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is the leading cause of anemia, which affects 1.93 billion people worldwide. Anemia is intricately linked to chronic inflammation, chronic kidney disease, gastrointestinal and gynecological malignancies, and autoimmune disorders. Hemorrhagic anemia results in substantial loss of blood, which causes significant alterations in all blood parameters, including reduced iron. The other type of anemia is chronic anemia syndrome (CAS), which is a constellation of disorders and chronic inflammatory events caused by an increasing anaerobic/acidic environment (promoting the growth of anaerobic organisms), inducing a defensive expenditure of alkalinizing buffers in hemoglobin (i.e. histidine), to prevent a dangerous lowering of blood pH. In this process, iron is cleaved from heme groups and transferred out of blood circulation into other organs, like the liver, appearing to be IDA, where excessive accumulation can lead to hemochromatosis, also known as 'iron overload anemia'.

Design: A pilot clinical study was conducted in 38 subjects (men = 10; women = 28; age = 22-82 years) to evaluate the rate of absorption and effects on blood of VMP35 multi-nutrient complex (MNC), a non-iron containing liquid nutraceutical supplement. Subjects consumed either placebo or VMP35 (30 mL) over a period of 0, 5, or 30 min.

Methods: Changes in peripheral blood smears from 38 subjects were observed using live blood cell imaging (LBCI) with phase contrast microscopy. Adverse events were rigorously monitored.

Results: VMP35 caused positive changes in the blood, including morphological, hematological (including restoration of hemoglobin), and rheological changes following 5 min of administration, which were sustained for at least 30 min.

Conclusions: Overall, the non-iron containing VMP35 can induce improvements in blood properties and potential benefits for subjects even with compromised digestive systems. No adverse events were reported. Further research studies are in progress to explore the mechanistic insight.

Key Points:

➢ RBC and blood rheology improvements were observed demonstrating that VMP35 encapsulated in multilamellar SK713 SLP Prodosome architecture was delivered and absorbed by sublingual trans-mucosa within 5 min.

➢ PBS LBCI offers a unique ability to observe the rapid onset of hematological changes in response to interventions.

➢ Changes were observed within 5 min of VMP35 administration, which were sustained for at least 30 min. Group 2 at 5 min and Group 3, at 5 and 30 min supports the validity of the observations. No effect was observed in the control group. Prompt, sustained and progressive findings were observed in the Treatment groups.

➢ Overall, the SK713 SLP delivery technology of the VMP35 MNC was shown to exert rapid positive restorative response on morphological, hematological, and rheological properties of the blood, reversing chronic anemia conditions, which challenges the premise of Iron Deficiency Anemia.

Prodovite Clinical StudyFull ManuscriptLEDERACH, Pa., June 4, 2019 (


The effect of VMP35 supplement ingredients encapsulated in a novel Phospholipid Prodosome SK713 SLP nutrient delivery technology observed as a result of changes in properties of live human blood.B. William Downs, Steven Kushner, Ted Aloisio, Frans J. Cronjé and Kenneth BlumFunctional Foods in Health and Disease.2015; 5(9): 292-303



In North America digestive malfunction in terms of disintegration, dissolution, and absorption of food and nutrients, is a widespread malady. Malabsorption is also an exacerbating factor in most chronic degenerative diseases that might benefit from dietary supplementation. The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate absorption following the sublingual administration of VMP35 SK713 encapsulated nutraceutical formulation.


Changes in peripheral blood smears from 38 subjects were observed using peripheral live blood cell imaging (LBCI) with phase contrast microscopy. Observation of changes in properties of live blood was made and compared to placebo and baseline at five and 30 minutes after administration.


Compared to baseline and control, the VMP35 formulation SK713 SLP technology effected positive changes in the blood. They were demonstrated by morphological, hematological and rheological changes observed five minutes from the intake and were sustained for at least 30 minutes post intake.


These observable changes showed that the SK713 SLP system can make a key contribution to increasing the potential benefits of dietary supplementation for those patients with compromised digestive processes. We encourage additional research on the effects of this novel nutraceutical formulation and delivery system.

Key Points:

➢ Digestive malfunction is a widespread malady (#1 in the U.S.)

➢ The purpose of this study was to evaluate the rate of absorption and effects on properties of the blood following the oral intake of a patent-pending SK713 SLP (Prodosome®) encapsulated VMP35 multiple vitamin, mineral and phytonutrient formulation.

➢ Compared to baseline and control, the VMP35 formulation SK713 SLP technology effected positive cellular structural, functional, and rate of flow changes in the blood five minutes from intake that were sustained for at least 30 minutes post intake.

➢ Red blood cells were larger and refilled with hemoglobin, demonstrating improved functional ability to carry oxygen and water.

➢ White blood cells (neutrophils) were larger and more abundant.

Prodovite Clinical Study

You probably saw the word Prodosome and thought to yourself “cool, word… sounds like made-up nonsense”. Well, we did make it up – but it’s not nonsense. Let’s face it: modern life is awesome but man, it can mess us up. Our bodies are screaming “help!” so we turn to supplements. The problem is, you can have the best stuff in a supplement but if it isn’t recognized, absorbed, and used by the body, what you really have is super expensive pee (ugh). All that stuff gets flushed right out of you and right down the toilet. Say goodbye to your nutrition (and money).

So our team of science-obsessed visionaries set out to do it better. Scratch that. Not better, BEST! As the song goes: “simply the best, better than all the rest”. They weren’t just in it to change the game. They were in it to change the world. They created a technology that packages up all the good stuff in a way that the body understands – like, “hey there, I think I have seen you somewhere before” – so it can take it in and put it to work in a way that your body knows and loves. Our nutrition does the heavy lifting so you can feel better, look better, and do better. Don’t waste your money on lame nutrition. Don’t waste your life feeling lame. GO FROM ZERO TO HERO.

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